Many babies spend time in a neonatal intensive care unit or NICU. There are various reasons why, but because of the advances in medicine and in overall NICU care, many babies are able to graduate from the NICU and go home with their families.
Did you know....?
- The NICU is not just for babies born prematurely. While 1 in 10 babies are born before 37 weeks gestation and may spend time in the NICU, about half of all babies in the NICU are born at normal birth weight and at 37 weeks gestation or more.
- It is a misconception that babies who stay in the NICU come from unhealthy mothers. There are numerous reasons why a baby would need to spend time in the NICU.
- A majority of the time, a NICU stay is unexpected. The NICU helps take care of babies with varying issues including birth anomalies, heart defects, complications from prematurity, infection, jaundice, respiratory distress, etc.
- There are four different levels of NICU's.
Level 1-Basic Care
Level 2-Advanced Care
Typically, only take care of babies at 32 weeks or more gestation.
Level 3-Specialized Care
Level 3-Specialized Care
Level 4-Highest Level of Care
What level is your local NICU? Where would your child have to be transported to, if they needed care in the NICU?
- Babies typically stay in the NICU for weeks or months. Most stay until their anticipated due date.
- About 90% of NICU babies survive. About 30 years ago (not that long ago!) the rates were closer to 25%!
- It is incredibly vital that parents can spend time with their children while they grow and develop in the NICU. Studies show that babies who were given care by not only healthcare providers but also their parents gained 25% more weight than their peers. Those who were read to and participated in skin-to-skin bonding met developmental milestones faster, too!
- Parking can be a HUGE financial burden on parents who have children in the NICU. Parking fees range from $3 to $10 (or more!) per day. These fees add up fast!
- Depending on where the NICU is that your child is staying in can bring other financial challenges. These stressors that should be the last thing on your mind when your child is sick. Gas money, money for food, hotel stays, loss wages, etc. are just some of the financial burdens these parents have to face.
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